

Eines der witzigsten Angebote für meine Monster kam von Julian, einem Blogger und Musiker aus Hannover, der sich für Janet interessierte. Julian versprach mir im Gegenzug für das Monster einen Song, in dem er die Monsterdame besingen würde. Nachdem ich einige Wünsche äussern durfte, machte er sich an die Arbeit und präsentiert nun, mit Ukulelenuntermalung sein Werk. Erwartungsgemäss bin ich von der Ode an mein Monster begeistert – die schrägen Lyrics habe ich gleich auch noch angeehängt.

She’s not very smart
She doesn’t know much about Arts
Her body is black and white
She has a little overbite

She dropped out of School
She has a tramp stamp on her back and thinks she is cool
And her crush dates her mom – isn’t that mean?
That’s why she always goes ballistic and tends to extremes

Janet has seen the crudest form of love there is
Janet has a taser gun and shocks her mommy just for fun
Janet’s not a victim anymore
She’s now in an asylum in Arkansas

She has bulgy eyes
She likes to tell a lotta lies
Her legs are short and plump
She has three fingers and one thumb

She dropped out of School
She has a tramp stamp on her back and thinks she is cool
And her crush dates her mom – isn’t that mean?
That’s why she always goes ballistic and tends to extremes

Janet has seen the crudest form of love there is
Janet has a taser gun and shocks her mommy just for fun
Janet’s not a victim anymore
She’s now in an asylum in Arkansas